Snow White's Page Editing
Absolutely Free!!!
Don't want to build a homepage?? Just don't have time to keep one up-to-date?? Don't know the first step of making one?? That is O.K.!! I will do it all for you!! I have made many homepages, and love to do it!! E-Mail me to start it, then again when it needs up-dating.
Watch the hits add up!!!
Mabye your thinking-Sounds like a nice idea, but I can probably find better. Not very likely!! Alot of people pay to have homepages made for them. I don't really need the extra money, and I really do enjoy it. Believe me, this offer will not come up again many times in your life.
Updated weekly!!!
O.K., so know your kinda into it. A average thought in mind now- What would I do with a homepage?? I really don't care, as long as it is legal. You could have a small business, or a personal page to show off, whatever!! E-Mail me as much of your thought that will go into words, and Ill do the rest!!